Many individuals are struggling with their mental health during COVID-19. Even individuals who do not normally deal with mental health-related issues are finding themselves facing unforeseen emotional challenges. The pandemic has introduced an entirely new level of stress and challenges that is nothing like we have ever seen. If you find yourself struggling with your mental health during COVID-19, you are definitely not alone. Many are reporting increased feelings of anxiety, fear, depression, loneliness, and other mental health issues as a result of the pandemic. Below are some of the most common stressors that people are experiencing due to the pandemic as well as steps you can take to improve your mental health during COVID-19.
Common Stressors During the Pandemic:
One of the most common stressors for individuals struggling with mental health during COVID-19 is that there is so much uncertainty. Scientists and medical professionals are working day and night to find a solution for the coronavirus, but little is known about what the future holds. There is no definitive date for when things will return to “normal.” For this reason, many are struggling to cope. With little feeling of control over the situation we are existing in, many are struggling with their mental health.
The Virus
The virus itself is an extremely common stressor and cause for poor mental health during COVID-19 across the population. For high-risk individuals, the virus can be fatal. Many have lost loved ones to COVID-19. The long-term effects of the virus are virtually unknown, and it contributes to how scary the virus can be to some. Many are dealing with the fear of coming into contact with the virus or spreading it to their high-risk loved-ones.
Social Interactions
The fastest way to spread the coronavirus is through person-to-person interaction. Gathering in group settings or going out to relax on the weekends is no longer safe. This is causing people who normally depend on social interaction for their emotional wellbeing to go without it. This is having a huge impact on the mental health of many during the pandemic.
The pandemic prompted a wave of unemployment that left many without the jobs they depend on. For those who have not lost their jobs, they are afraid that they could and those who are unemployed as a result of the pandemic are worried about their financial health. Overall, there are many contributing stressors and triggers for those battling poor mental health during COVID-19.
Ways to Improve Mental Health During COVID-19:
Seek Mental Health Services
If you are struggling with poor mental health during COVID-19, then you should consider getting connected to a mental health professional. A professional can be a critical resource for learning how to cope with the realities of the pandemic and improve your mental and emotional wellbeing.
Stay Connected
Although in-person interactions are limited at the moment, try and stay connected to those who matter to you. Socially distanced hangouts and virtual hangouts are still safe. As long as you are taking the proper safety precautions like wearing your mask and staying 6 feet apart, you can still engage socially with those you love.
If you are struggling with your mental and emotional health during the pandemic, remember you are not alone. To learn more about software that can help your agency better manage mental health during COVID-19, click here.